Tasks:   What I have finished ....

As far as modelling is concerned, I am finally done with all the Units and structures. Frankly, I gave up counting the numerous changes and modification of all the individual W3D-Models. I am particularly proud of having changed the horses. My riders look sleeker and more dynamic than the vanilla versions. I believe their proportions appear more natural and their scripted animations livelier.
I completed all textures and button images. They look quite nice and consistent ingame, especially so because I am not a big fan of HD textures and all is this hardware-hungry visual fluff. I enhanced many original buildings and created additional structures by combining or modifying exsisting ones. At first, I had only this pooly looking Gondor farm in mind. However, since I had created all the necessary tools changing and modelling were quickly achieved. I simply couldn't resist from doing so.
I re-formated almost all files in the INI.big. By doing so, I discovered many useful details of how to control and to manipulate the units and hordes. Re-formating enforced a basic structure onto these files and made them more comprehensible. Subjectively speaking, re-formatting probably made them also more parsable for the game. Consequently, bug hunting was less of a nuiscance, quicker and much more successful. Having automated many intermediary steps by tools, modelling, and creating textures were less time consuming. All necessary *.INI files and scripts for the factions Rohan, Gondor, Mordor and Isengard are implemented and ready for playing (Missions: Moria - Black Gate). I enhanced and tested all AI libraries (single-slayer + skirmish: Rohan, Gondor, Mordor and Isengard), in order to create more opposition and troups on the maps. There is so much of under-populated space on each map. Seriously, 60 - 100 units/troups just do not provide for a "thrilling" experience, at least not for me.
Sigh, I know. We all agree to unyieldingly differ on this subject and first and formost cherish our personal view. However, "variatio delectat" and just embrace pluralilty. After many test-cycles and corrections, I'm amazed how malleable and flexible the AI-script system turned out. Having endowed the AI with a spawn mechanism for Extra Forces, your computer enemy poses a greater threat than before. In other words, there are no more easily won missions for every faction can deploy infantry and cavalry units as well on each map. Hence, devise your tactics carefully.
Next, I am going to test-play the evil campaign in order to achieve equal correctness and stability. Depending on the outcome of these tests, then and only then am I going to release an Alpha version of my WarMod modification. I am not particularly impressed by long-winded lores and annoucements with little to none results !!!

 Tasks:   What I yet might create ....

The work of Stage II implies two major tasks: (1) Creation of AI-libraries for the new factions and (2) Design of all the necessary base modules. The first part will involve intensive research and fact-finding of how the AI handles its data and what it requires to act or react on behalf of the corresponding faction. The second part will comprise of both research for the base-building mechanism, long hours of sketching possible base layouts and at last modelling these layouts inside the worldbuilder. What will follow is an extensive phase of testing and shaping of the new factions. It is likely that I will start with the Elven factions. I have only a vague idea of how much work lies ahead of me or when I will begin with Stage II.